ACCREDITATION PCA-143: ISO/IEC Standard 17065:2012

Certificate of Accreditation This is to attest that TÜV AUSTRIA TURK BELGELENDIRME EĞITIM VE GÖZETIM HIZMETLERI LTD. ŞTI. ҪAMLIK MH. İKBAL CAD. DINҪ SK. NO:28 PK 34774 ÜMRANIYE / İSTANBUL, REPUBLIC OF TURKEY Product Certification Agency PCA-143 has met the requirements of the applicable provisions of AC370, IAS Accreditation Criteria for Product Certification Agencies, has demonstrated compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17065:2012, Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, process and services. This third-party product certification agency is accredited to provide the services specified in the scope of accreditation. Effective Date December 20, 2021

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