IEC CB Testing Laboratory (CBTL) ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Certificate of Acceptance To participate in the IECEE CB Scheme - IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE) TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH Industry & Energy, Business Unit EMV-NT-Lab Deutschstraße 10 1230 Vienna Austria has been assessed and determined to fully comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017, the Basic Rules, IEC CA 01 and IECEE 01-S, Rules of Procedure IECEE 02, and the relevant IECEE CB-Scheme Operational Documents, as valid at the date of assessment. TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH is therefore entitled to operate as a CB Testing Laboratory (CBTL) under the responsibility of the OVE as National Certification Body (CB) and to carry out testing within the IECEE CB Scheme for the Scope (Product Category(ies) and Standard(s)) as listed in the relevant part of the IECEE Web Site at, and is subject to all other terms as set forth in the IECEE Basic Rules and Rules of Procedure. Accepted since: 1994-01-01 Date of Issue: 2021-08-11 TL052

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